CHO oil chillers

The device is intended for the sector of remote-controlled machines and machinery with hydraulic cooling. CHO represents the ideal solution for cooling precision machines and tools in a simple way. The coolers are supplied with a wide exchanger surface and a gear pump. All models are

Permitted operating temperature range:

  • Ambient temperature +2°C to +40°C
  • Oil outlet temperature +20°C to +30°C

Available options:

  • Frequency 60Hz
  • Gear circulation pump
 Model  Cooling capacity Power consumption Power consumption Power supply
  kW kW A V/phase/frequency
 CHOM 29 2,9 2,03 11,1 230/1/50
 CHOT 29 3,9  1,88 3,8 400/3/50
 CHOM 39 3,9 2,26 11,2 230/1/50
 CHOT 39 3,9  2,14 4,1 400/3/50
 CHOT 56 5,5  3,44 6,2 400/3/50
 CHOT 67 6,7 3,09 5,7 400/3/50
 CHOT 97 9,7 5,05 9,9 400/3/50
 CHOT 130 13 5,63 12,1 400/3/50
 CHOT 149 14,9 3,64 6,7 400/3/50

Reference conditions - ambient temperature 25°C, outlet oil temperature ISO VG 32 15°C, frequency 50Hz.